
Thinking Of Joining A Boat Club? Read This First

April 23, 2020

Florida boat clubs are plentiful right now with the popularity of clubs in the marine industry continuing to grow. The benefits of paying one annual fee to join a club rather than owning your own boat are huge; the hassle of finding a good spot to keep it, the costs of insurance, upkeep and the like, and the responsibility of cleaning and maintenance are all taken away by being part of a boating club. Despite it seeming like a slam dunk, no-brainer choice, there are still some questions you need to ask before signing up to a boat club to make sure you’re getting exactly what you see in their ads.

Ask Current Club Members For Their Opinions.

There’s no better way to get a handle on the feel of a boat club than asking current members. If you wait around the docks you’ll get the chance to mingle with other like-minded people and get a feel for the culture of the place. Boat clubs in Melbourne are communities, and just like any other walk of life there are good and bad fits for you, so spend some time doing recon before signing up. You should ask members how happy they are with management, the condition of their boats, and how easy it is to reserve a boat.

Is The Boat Club Well Located For Your Needs In Melbourne?

Boat clubs are spread across the shoreline so choosing the right boat club in Melbourne for you is important when factoring in your needs. Make sure you ask about nearby conveniences and how easily you can reach them. You’ll need to know how much time and fuel it will take you to get to ocean access inlets, bars, and restaurants. If you’re traveling from out of state most boat clubs have easy access to Orlando Melbourne International Airport. On the note of travel, it’s also a good idea to ask about car parking, as the last thing you want is to have a draining journey on foot in the Florida heat!

Does The Advertising Match The Inventory? Take A Look Yourself!

What type of boats – model, year, size – do the club have? How many hours do they have on the clock? Do they all have bathrooms (a must for families or trips out to sea!) or need captains (an added expense to factor in)? These are all questions you need answering before you hit the water. Check the advertising and bring some reference images with you to check out the inventory they actually stock. If the ads are misleading then there could be further issues – check the boats for cleanliness, interior condition, and any red flags in the engine bilge like suspicious smells or frayed wiring.

The world of boating is an exciting and freeing experience – if you join the right club that looks after its members and boats to offer the premium experience. Come prepared with these questions and don’t commit until you’re 100% satisfied with what they have to offer.

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