Home Decor

Top 5 Unique Bowling Ball Decorating Ideas For Your Yard

August 29, 2018

Do you love Bowling? You wish you could build a bowling center at your home? If you feel there is something about bowling that is irresistible, how about flaunting your passion with some bowling ball décor? You can always use beautiful and interesting custom framed wall art of bowling balls to decorate your bedroom or living room while adding a personal touch. But, if you want to do more than just personalizing your home with custom wall art, you can try to incorporate your passion into other parts of home decor like your garden or yard. Bowling balls can be an unexpected decorative accent to enhance your garden or yard. Just with a little creativity, you can transform your yard into an eye-catching landscape. Here are 5 unique bowling ball decorative ideas to enhance your yard.

Artistic Mosaic Balls

Bowling ball can be turned into an artistic mosaic display using the leftover mosaic from your home improvement project. Break the tiles, cups and old plates into small pieces and cover the surface of the ball using a craft concrete compound. Next, arrange the broken pieces onto the surface while the compound is still wet. Once it becomes dry, a beautiful masterpiece will be ready to enhance your garden area. Place this decorative globe on a short plant or a patio and some serious compliments will be coming your way.

Gorgeous Gazing Ball

All it needs is just some transparent pebbles, colorful stones and silver paint spray to turn a simple bowling ball into a stunning gazing ball. First of all, spray the silver paint over the ball, and then use transparent pebbles to cover the outside. Now create some creative design using some colorful stone. The beautiful gazing ball thus created will add a multi-season accent to the garden by reflecting light and sparkle.

Garden Markers

Garden markers created from bowling balls can be an enchanting addition to any landscape. Start with painting the ball using exterior latex paint and let it dry. Take 10-inch pieces of copper wire and curl one end twice to create a shape of a circle.

Now fill the holes of bowling balls with outdoor caulk and paint them well. While keeping the curved side up, push another end of the copper wire into the bowling ball holes. Crutch the wires up if required until the caulk becomes dry. Create a number of such balls and feel like a creative bowling alley builder by giving a bit of crafty look to your garden.


Well, you may not like the real ladybug, but this bowling ball ladybug decoration will grab your attention. To make an amusing ladybug decor for your yard, paint the ball black using black spray paint and flip it to keep the holes down. Create wings on the back of the bowling ball using red paint. Now, add dots on the wings with black paint and use the black and white paint to create eyes and antennae. This decorative accent will surely add whimsy to your garden or lawn.

Festive Pumpkins

You may have created many Halloween pumpkins to add a mystic look to your home. But now it’s time to craft a striking pumpkin using a bowling ball to give a festive look to your yard. Use orange exterior latex color to paint the ball. Once dry, apply another layer of paints to cover it completely. Thus, paint the ball with multiple coating while allowing it to dry between coats. Now, paint light lines with a fine paintbrush using black exterior paint. Draw lines from top to bottom. Decorate your living room or yard with festive pumpkin to add some interest to your space. Build a Bowling Center with these creative festive pumpkin décor to bring some fun element to your space.

Final words

Your home is nothing short of a castle for you. Using any of these wonderful yard decoration ideas with bowling ball will add warmth, color and unique flair to the place you love to live. If you want to spruce it up, even more, you can think of building a bowling center at your home. Professional bowling alley builder is there to help you out.

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